Simplifying Text Summarization with OpenTextSummarizer

Text summarization plays a crucial role in extracting key information from lengthy documents, making it easier for users to comprehend and analyze content efficiently. OpenTextSummarizer, a .NET Standard library, offers a versatile and extensible solution for automating the summarization process. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of using OpenTextSummarizer and its features.

Getting Started

OpenTextSummarizer simplifies the text summarization process by providing a straightforward API. To get started, users can call the static Summarize method on the Summarizer class. The library supports two implementations of the IContentProvider interface: DirectTextContentProvider and FileContentProvider. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

var summarizedDocument = OpenTextSummarizer.Summarizer.Summarize(
    new OpenTextSummarizer.FileContentProvider("YourFilePath.txt"),
    new SummarizerArguments() 
        Language = "en",
        MaxSummarySentences = 5

In this example, the FileContentProvider is used to read content from a file. Adjust the Language and MaxSummarySentences parameters in the SummarizerArguments based on your requirements.

Customization Options

OpenTextSummarizer offers advanced customization options, allowing users to tailor the summarization process to their specific needs. The library employs three main interfaces for different stages of summarization: IContentParser for parsing, IContentAnalyzer for analyzing, and IContentSummarizer for summarizing.

Users can create custom implementations of these interfaces and seamlessly integrate them into the summarization process. Here’s an example of a custom IContentParser implementation:

public class CustomContentParser : IContentParser
    // Implement the SplitContentIntoSentences and SplitSentenceIntoTextUnits methods
    // based on your specific parsing requirements.

// Usage
var summarizedDocument = OpenTextSummarizer.Summarizer.Summarize(
    new OpenTextSummarizer.FileContentProvider("YourFilePath.txt"),
    new SummarizerArguments() 
        Language = "en",
        MaxSummarySentences = 5,
        ContentParser = () => new CustomContentParser()

OpenTextSummarizer for .NET Core

The library has been ported to .NET Standard, making it compatible with .NET Core projects. This ensures that developers working with .NET Core can seamlessly leverage the power of OpenTextSummarizer in their applications.


OpenTextSummarizer simplifies text summarization for .NET developers, providing a robust and customizable solution. Whether you need a quick summary using default settings or want to fine-tune the process, OpenTextSummarizer offers the flexibility to meet your requirements. Explore the library, experiment with customization options, and enhance your text summarization workflow today.

Visit the OpenTextSummarizer GitHub repository to access the library and learn more about its features and contributions.

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